Sunday, October 17, 2010

Craft Project

I had to make this "faux" scrapbook for work last night. It has to look kinda of scrap-bookish so I went out and bought 3 kinds of glitter to go on the cover. Last night I got half my project done and realized very little glitter goes a l-o-n-g way. It looked as if I barely even touched the canisters I had bought. So... I decided to go a little crazy with some projects this AM in an attempt to use some glitter up.
Without even having showered or gotten dressed yet, I pulled out a paper plate and poured Elmer's glue in it. I smooshed Evie's hand down and made a few hand prints which we then covered in glitter for grandma's. I must admit... they looked better than I thought they would. Evie's gotten more practice with this type of thing at pre-school so my shrieking and freak-outs were at a bare minimum.... this egged me on to do more.
I pulled out one of the canvases Rob had bought me when I was going to do wall art for the baby's room (2 years ago...). I squirted pink, brown and lime green paints into measuring cups (works well since they have a handle to hold on to and control the cup when Evie pushes a paint brush all around). I set-up a clean-up station at the kitchen sink and let her go to town...
I did need to push Evie to move around the canvas after she started making mud off to the one side (she painted on glue and then glitter... and then she started putting wet paint on that making the glitter more texture than it was sparkly).
Rob marvelled at my patience.
Let's be frank, so did I.
The end result was pretty cool.
We did have to pull Evie away upset since she wanted to do more projects and I had a mess to clean... but moving her to her craft table with some stampers and large sheets of paper did the trick.
All in all, a pretty successful artsy morning.

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