Friday, May 28, 2010

No, I am serious, WTF?

Someone I used to work with (geez, like 10 years ago now!) is pregnant with baby #2 and due Dec. 12th.
Like, seriously.
I know I am hyper-sensitive to this all but ... really?
I mean, really.

If I could bottle my insane rage at this point I could power enough electricity to light up 140 homes for 1 month.
Its so hard to "let this all go," too, no matter how hard I try to keep this open mind in enjoying my life as it is... to stop trying... blah-blah. I am not seeking out these people's info, it just keeps coming up! Either I hear it from a friend, read it online, run into them at a store... what am I supposed to do, hide under the covers?

Hmmmm, I might be on to something.

If anyone needs me, I'll be under the covers.
I'll come out after December 2010.


Georgia said...

You already have a beautiful two and a half year old and you're a working Mom.

Save that anger, you'll need it for energy.

If people are in a hurry to have children so what.

It's what makes you happy that counts.

A two and a half year old and a job is more than enough to take care of.

You didn't say if these other women with multiple children also have jobs to contend with.

And working is like taking care of at least ten children!

Don't lose any sleep over this.
Just smile at them and say oh how nice for you! Congratulations and then go out and buy yourself, something nice. Even if it's only a good lunch! You can be sure the ladies with two or three children won't be able to afford to do that.

And buy your little one a treat too! LOL (Lots of Love)!

Brooke Ullman said...

@ Georgia - thanks for all the reminders. Its hard to sometimes see the green grass on your own side of the fence.

And yes, I just went out and splurged on some nice, new clothes! :-)

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