Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A new room for Evie

We are moving Evie over into our old master bedroom (since we have the new fancy-pants addition now).
Her current room is something like 10' x 8' and her new room will be something like 12' x 9'. So, she'll gain some space not to mention she will now be at the end of the hallway (closer to our bedroom) and she'll get a much larger closet (the girl LOVES SHOES). We then plan to move Rob's office down into her old room and turn Rob's old office (which is the room right off the living room) into a play room.... essentially, the living room and the play room would be like one large great room.

So, here's what I have achieved so far in all this.
I said I would have Evie's room done by June so I have actually STARTED this past early May in order to obtain that goal (when I was pregnant throughout April I didn't touch any activity in this house!).
I did some plaster work under a window that suffered water damage from a leaky window air conditioning unit. I also removed old curtain road systems and vinyl blinds (filled holes). I caulked all the windows (ugh, old wood windows really do look like shit up close despite their charm from far away). I painted the walls a light dusty lavender color called "Bad Lands". I created vector art butterfly graphics which I printed out, traced in pencil on the walls and painted white to create a airy cluster over where her bed will go ( I did sprinkle in a random butterfly on another wall, too).

I have curtains rods waiting in the wings to go up and limey green curtains on order.... I will give the trim a fresh coat of white paint before hanging the curtains and then we move her over! I'll update with final pics when I get them.

Oh, and did I mention the radiators??? Ugh, the radiators in the house (which we bought 6 years ago) were horribly flaky and chipped. The one in this bedroom was the 2nd worst in the house and I simply ignored it (till now). I take a hammer and "chisel away" centimeter by centimeter (can you picture tiny metallic-like chips of paint flying in your face, in your eyes, and up your nose for hours on end while you make very slow progress? Yes, you are picturing it correctly then...) until after a collective 7 hours I was finished. I then drape the walls in plastic and heavy tape everything around the feet of the radiator so as not to ruin the floors with paint. I spray the inside and back with white paint (I use high performance Rustoleum) and later paint the fronts with a can of the same paint. Its grueling and oh so f*cking messy. The paint goes everywhere and the house is so stinky. Honestly, its probably the stupidest thing a person can do and I will most likely suffer lung cancer in 10 years... but doesn't it look great?!.

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