Saturday, October 11, 2008

Picnic with mom: Bryan Park

We are fortunate to live, literally, across the street from a park. Bryan Park was one of those WPA projects so it contains some nice stonework and features beautiful azaleas. A nice park to job, dog walk or... picnic.

Evie and I strolled on down while dad attended the Richmond 'Zine Fest. A gorgeous upper 70's fall day was best played outside.
We shared a PB & strawberry jam sandwich, gold fish (of course), crackers, grapes, an apple juicebox and carrot sticks. Well, Evie took off with all the carrot sticks but we shared everything else.

Evie dives right in to the sandwich squares.
Would you like a goldfish?
I'm sure that piece of sandwich was meant for me, I'll just lean over and eat it right out of your hand. Thanks!
I just love goldfish, don't you?
Mmmm, this cracker is good but what I'd really like are some more goldfish.
OK, I just want goldfish! They are so darned good. Don't you just love them?!.
Alright, here's my belly button. Why do you keep asking me to show you?
Hey, these carrot sticks ain't half bad either...
Mom, you should bring some carrots for yourself next time. I got 3 sticks here, where are yours?

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