Sunday, October 05, 2008

I have the right to party

Evie was running a 100.9 fever (most likely due to the many shots she received late day Thursday) and I am currently on a Z-Pack (fighting something I contracted from being rundown due to allergies and stress). So, the conditions were not ripe for attending Tyler's 1-year-old-birthday-party but we needed to get out of this house. The gorgeous 77-degree day was calling us, too.
Evie and I attended for just an hour-and-a-half (if you have ever attended a kids birthday party, anything over 3 hours is insane).
Evie did GREAT. She hung out on my lap mostly (which is rare when we are out. She generally likes to explore). She played in the ice bucket a little and tried to eat some decorations.
Evie then ate one whole hotdog (no bun), a handful of potato chips, one of those small plastic individual servings of vanilla ice cream, half a piece of cake (the kind with the sugary icing you can feel the grit of sugar in, yum!) and half of a Capri Sun.
Holy crap. I had the other half of the cake. My kid's a tank!
She then got in the car and slumped over. Asleep.
I have one photo to post later.

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