Monday, October 06, 2008

Feed me, Seymour!

I'm out of ideas. What can we feed this kid? Tonite's dinner was half of Saturday night's pizza slice, some cooked carrot slices (I think she ate one whole slice), some corn bread hand-outs and a couple of blue-corn tortilla chips. I should be locked in jail, I know.
Evie is fussy about things served on spoons (we can't really give her things like applesauce, yogurt, rice or beans). Then again, she loves things like succotash and will eat a good portion of it off a fork. I can't figure her out.
Breakfast is no problem: cereals, bananas, toasted waffles, organic cereal bars, toast with jam... got it.
Lunch is half-baked: PB&J, ham and cheese slices, mac & cheese, green beans, hot dog... the list runs a bit dry then.
Dinner? No ideas here. I am more than happy to feed her stuff we eat: pasta with spegetti sauce, chicken, broccoli, etc. But, she eats dinner at 5:30PM and I don't have time to prepare decent meals in 10 minutes. And, a lot of what we eat is spicy... or hot, even.
Any other "fast" dinner ideas out there?
Suggestions welcomed.
I looked online - it looks like we've hit many items on the toddler "hot lists."

Other dinnertime hits include: black beans, fish sticks, garden burgers, Vienna sausages (we lovingly refer to this as "low grade meat"), eggs (she isn't too into eggs), and hand-outs from our own plates.


Jay Geldhof said...

Ivy has been a pretty erratic eater her whole life.

Morningstar Farms Bacon and Sausage both go over well and nuke up fast.

She also started balking at the spoon, but it mostly just meant that she wanted to start using it herself.

I think it sounds like yer doing a great job. Meal time is definitely MY least favorite time with Ivy...

kendra said...

sloane likes lean pockets, just like her mom and jim gaffigan.

mac and cheese, spagettios, green beans, slice of cheese, anything to dip..

Tatjana said...

I am trying to get better at this too, but I think the trick is to cook large portions for your own dinner and giver her the leftovers the next day. Don't worry too much about spices, etc., as long as it's not too hot, she will probably be fine. Grilled cheeses is another fast meal or baked sweet potato.

Brooke Ullman said...

So we recently tried a generic burrito: flour tortilla filled with black beans, cheese and mild salsa nuked for 1 minute and sliced into pick-up-able slices. This went over very well. We have also tried multigrain Kraft mac n cheese with brocolli florets in every bite - also a hit. Oatmeal for breakfast went over lukewarm.

I tried to make plenty of grilled chicken breasts this past week so Evie could have leftovers the next day... good idea. But, Rob ate all the chicken. :-(