Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mmm, mmm, good!

Grandma Bob (aka, my mother) has been riding my tail about how awful I am for not feeding you solids yet. I dunno, you don't seem desperate to eat (you aren't grabbing at our food and you aren't taking any more bottles than usual). Besides, I'm just not ready for a whole new world of making , storing, and preparing food after finally getting to a place where I feel comfortable.
But,... I gave in yesterday.
We made you VERY watery rice cereal (like the box said to do) and you took to it no problem. After a few bites you began to get frustrated at how long it was all taking. We all were, frankly. So, you finished off your cereal in a bottle.
At dinner I prepared a much thicker recipe. I don't know how much. I didn't measure. It seemed like such a small amount until I sat in front of you. Comparitive to the size of your body, I guess I did make a lot.
It didn't stop you. You ate it ALL.
You then washed it down with 6 oz of formula.
You still woke up at 3AM, starving.
Man, you are like me. I was a fat baby who, apparently ate everything no problem.
Let's just hope you take to your veggies this well when we try that next week.
Good job, baby! You are on your way to the wild world of solids. Both food AND poops, that it. *sigh*


Jay Geldhof said...

That last pic is AWESOME!

kendra said...

ah food. there is no turning back. soon your high chair will be stained and look homeless. anyway, you and rob should come to our house too this time. Don't you guys usually come to OHIO the first or second week in December?

Brooke Ullman said...

Actually, we will be in the great state of Ohio (What's round on the ends and hi in the middle?) for the week OF Christmas. I think we plan to leave on December 22nd (pray for us, I thought we were driving at night but Rob plans on driving a 6 month old during the day on a 9 hour trip...). We will be around the 23-27th. We do plan to head to Toledo for the day one of those days, otherwise, we do plan to try and meet up if you can...

kendra said...

good luck with that. Our trip to OBX still smarts. Just remember, night is for sleeping and so is benedryl. just a thought. Kenny's birthday is the 23rd and Jay's is the 29. If Rob's mom will watch her maybe we can have some good old fashioned fun. Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Jay Geldhof said...

"anyway, you and rob should come to our house too this time"

I think Kendra is trying to hi-jack the Lurid X-Mas!

kendra said...


i am watching you outside your house right now. soon your life will be mine. shitty beer and all.

Jay Geldhof said...

You know DAMN well I only bring shitty beer to OTHER people's houses!

Brooke Ullman said...

I'm scared.
Er, we might not be up in Ohio afterall ...[nervous laugh]