Friday, November 02, 2007

4 Months Old Today

Another month conquered. Some days are fast, some are slow. When I reflect on the past month in these blog posts,... I truly see how FAST you are growing up.
Major events this past month?
You are more VOCAL! And, I don't just mean that you talk more. You are developing a wider range of sounds each day. Grunts are rarely heard anymore. You never make the "gggrrsch, ggcrsh" sound when you wake up anymore. No, instead its all loud sing-song sounds. And, I do mean loud. Dad says that one day you YELLED and scared both yourself and him. Yes, you have found your voice and you love to explore it. You make "Ooo's" and gurgly laughs and "Ahh's!" You repeat sounds again and again (and, again) until you either wear yourself out, are distracted by something in the room or you break into a wide open-mouth grin for those forced to listen. We, in turn, love it and laugh when you "talk" to us.
You laughed out loud this past month. This happened about 3 weeks ago. I was so excited to hear it and I have done everything in my power to recreate it. You do laugh outloud more lately. I'm not sure WHAT makes you laugh, though. You certainly laugh when I take off all your clothes at night (to either get in PJs or a bath) and sometimes when I kiss your neck under your ears. Sometimes, you laugh at the wall. You've loved the wall since 1 wk old and you'd blank stare at it for long periods of time. I like to think that the two of you are now exchanging silent jokes. Maybe I'm just in denial that you are borderline crazy... it is a wall afterall.
Bathtime has become more fun. You were getting better at it at the end of 3 months but now you don't cry ever (well, you haven't for the last 2-3 weeks at least). I recently figured out that I should loose the newborn hammock from your plastic tub since you are more than large enough to sit up or lean in the tub. This has certainly helped. It hasn't hurt that you now figured out how to KICK and SPLASH me. Lovely.

You observe things in an active way. Meaning, you seem to be actually watching things and learning from them. You will sit in a boppy or chair (propped up, of course) and take things in. You are fantastic in restaurants, you'll sit on our laps while we eat. You just watch the people around us while munching on your fists. We went to lunch today, in fact, and I soaked up all the approving/warm faces of adults all around us. I was so proud and kept spinning you around so people could get a full look at your face. You are so damned cute... dad and I still talk about how cute you are. We sometimes hurry up and eat so we can take a turn holding you - this is how cute you are. This is saying alot, Evie. Cause you also weigh alot and do sometimes suddenly bop your head forward or backward. You're nice to hold but it is still a fulltime (arm aching) job. ;-)
You are beginning to "enjoy" our kisses. Dad and I must plant one on you every 10-15 minutes (or an equivalent there of). It took you awhile to stop turning your head trying to catch our kiss in your open mouth. Now, you blink your eyes and smile. You are beginning to know what kisses are and what purpose they serve.
You are nearly predictable now. We know when you'll wake up in the morning (between 6:30-7AM) and we know when you'll crash at night (bedtime 7-7:30PM). You always have a BURST of energy 20 minutes before and then rub your eyes when ready for a nap. You still only have 1 midnight feeding (dad and I switch off every other night) and only take about 5ozs at that feeding. You wake up silently after your naps and in the morning. You can easily be forgotten if we don't check the clock and then check on you. You will lie awake (covers kicked off) quietly watching your mobile. When you see us looking in your room, you smile real big and are eager for us to pick you up. Its a pretty "Hallmark Moment" to tell you the truth.

You have had some lows. You experienced your first constipation this past month. I don't know who it hurt more - you or dad. After an hour of crying and struggling, it all eventually worked out. Dad has now begun giving you 2 ozs of water per 1 teaspoon of Karo syrup. Its been helping and I think you like the sweet taste.
Speaking of taste, the pediatrician said you could start rice cereal this month. I think we are going to hold off on this a wee bit longer. No particular reason except you seem too little to me. Yes, yes, my mother fed me SQUASH from the backyard by 1 month old... but still. You're my little baby! I'm not ready for food yet...
You suffered a bruise when I accidentally clipped the tip of your finger instead of your nail. Oh my.. tears welled up in your eyes and you wailed. I felt... so... terrible. How the hell could I do this? Would you hate me forever? How badly does it hurt? Will you be traumatized by clippers forever now? I put a cold teething ring on it temporarily and rock, rock, rocked you. You, of course, got over it. I'm now more cautious then ever when trimming your nails. I still haven't ever cut your toenails. Why do toenails grow slower? Mine do, too.
Its getting colder outside so we started pulling out the sweaters and cool cord/valour pants you own. I now get why parents go gaa-gaa for kids clothes. Its so funny to see a little person wearing adult clothing shrunk to fit a little human. I put a sweater twin-set on you and about died at the thought that you will outgrow this. Its way too cute to only be worn for such a short period of time. In fact, while packing away your 0-3 month gear this past month, it was strange knowing that you will NEVER WEAR THIS STUFF AGAIN. I pack my seasonal clothes year after year and wear my summer things the following summer.... this thought didn't sadden me as much as it made me realize I would again be wearing the same sweaters I bought 8 years ago (BEFORE I met your father). Dad and I now plan to go shopping before we look like parents who have let themselves go once the kid arrived. Don't worry Evie, you won't suffer the same humiliation of nerd parents like we did as kids.
You like pulling things into your mouth. If you can grab our fingers, you'll pull both our fingers and your hands into your mouth. Its funny and odd. You aren't chewing on them (I know you aren't teething yet) and you don't necessarily do it for taste (cause you don't really suck on them either). You just enjoy getting things to your mouth where you can coat liberally with drool and then fling away from your body. Its really great when slimy hands run down our faces or drool strings gently "plop, plop, plop" drops onto our hands/laps when holding you. *sigh*
You have successfully overcome acid reflux (I say this after you threw up on dad in the middle of the night last night). Honestly, you rarely toss up anything anymore, so I am happy to report that we no longer give you Axid twice a day. Yeah!
Other highlights this past month: you were babysat by A & J in DC while we attended a hockey game. You attended a huge outdoor festival with mom. And you experienced your first Halloween.
Looking back on the past month, you really have come a long way. You are shaping up to be more of a person (and less a baby blob) with each passing day. Your personality really shines more and more... and we love what your personality is turning out to be. You are very sweet, not at all demanding and pretty easy-going. You do get overwhelmed in loud, busy places (especially events mom drags you you to. Dad seems to be more sensitive to your gentle nature than what mom is) and you are beginning to cry when strangers hold you (I didn't expect this until you were at least 7-8 months old). You like what you like and, fortunately, what you like isn't all that crazy a compromise on our part. You take bottles easily and rarely scream to be fed (only if you get ignored repeatedly when wah-wah'ing before a feeding time). You smile, you laugh, you WIGGLE and you bounce. You nuzzle when teased and you fall asleep in our arms. This really is a great time to be with you, little Eve.
I'm looking forward to month 5.

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