Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Boy or Girl?

One horrible online quiz says its 54% likely to be a girl and 45% likely to be a boy.

The Chinese Lunar Calendar says its a girl:

According to this site (listing many old wivestales):
1. The hair on my legs is growing slow, so its a girl.
2. The heart rate was 147 the first time and 155 the second time, so it must be a boy.
3. I had almost no morning sickness - so it must be a boy.
4. I think I am carrying low (so far) which I always know to mean "boy", but this website says its a girl.
5. Strings move in a circular motion over my belly - so it must be a girl.
6. I am craving sweets! Must be a girl.
7. I pee bright yellow... almost neon green! So, it must be a boy.

So, judging by all the above... it must be a girl. Majority wins, no?

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