Saturday, June 30, 2012

Mother Daughter Day ("first official")

Don't ask me what prompted this concept of "Mother Daughter Day" or how I came up with the way it would come together. Evie has just really wanted & needed time with me... special time... and I have really been feeling the pressure for this, too.
I thought of all the things she likes to do that would be rather special. I printed out a picture of a mom & kid pedicure (Evie's never experienced this treat before), a picture from the new movie "Brave" (Evie loves movies... particularly the popcorn part), a picture of Chik-Fil-A (which she calls "Chik-La-Vey" - *giggle*- I do love that she says this still) and a picture of Sweet Frog's (a chain that features any frozen yogurt you want with any toppings you want - you make & pay by the weight). Evie knew I had planned on us having this day when I mentioned it about a week ago. I presented her with the print-outs just a few days ago so we could solidify our itinerary for the day's events. She bounced on the sofa clasping her hands as I lay out each photo, "Oh! I want to do them all!!!" I put together different combinations and let her pick 1 of the 4 possible combos. She picked the one I knew she would - the movie Brave followed by ice cream.
We glued down our photos and decorated the itinerary. It hung on the fridge awaiting today.

Last night:
 - picked out today's outfit, discussed plans for the morning
 - I glue on the additional surprise pedicure photo... Evie jumps up and down with excitement

 - out the door by 10AM for our 11AM nail appointment
 - arrive early, so we kill some time at the bookstore reading books. Evie selects the "Brave" activity/sticker book & informs me she would like to look at it during her appointment.
 - double-check the theater times only to find out they switched since I looked yesterday at 3PM. We do some re-working of appointments and re-arrange our plans
- decide to watch 11:30AM movie. We buy the #1 coke & popcorn combo (and, regretfully, get extra butter that leaks through the bag the entire movie). Lesson. Learned. 
- 1:15PM the movie ends - perfect timing since the new nail time is at 1:30PM
- Nails done at 2:10PM
- Walk to Sweet Frog's. Me: peanut butter & cappuccino swirled with crushed Reeses Cups and crushed Whoppers candies. Evie: chocolate & vanilla swirled with mini M&M's and Gummi Bears.
- drive home. Evie and I discuss needing a rest-time. Evie decides to read her book then rest. I head straight to resting. The whole family enjoyed long naps (Max slept for nearly 3 hrs!)

A girl could get used to this Evie selected hot pink sparkly nail polish and a deep purple sparkly polish. Originally she wanted one foot purple and one foot pink. I persuaded her into making a pattern instead (every-other-toe). She then decided on polka-dots. The salon lady choose white for the dots. Evie was a little disappointed the dots were not purple but, as you can see, she overcame that disappointment just fine.
The salon propped her up with pillows and the ladies there all thoroughly enjoyed watching a girl get her first pedicure. Evie did great. In fact, she went on to suggest manicures, too (we didn't). Crafty little thing...

I think Evie learned from last time Nerds candies on chocolate & vanilla swirled ice cream is not the best combo. She made up for strangeness by adding Gummi Bears this time. She then proceeded to pick out the candies leaving me with melted mush to finish for her. I told her next time we'll just get candy. She seemed quite happy with that solution not realizing we could've just purchased candy and cut-out the ice cream middle man.

While at Sweet Frog's I put my purse on my toes while juggling the bathroom activities. As you can see, I ruined my big toe nails mere minutes after having paid for their completion. Alas, such is the life of a mom. I was just glad I had 20 minutes of pampering performed. Evie was happy with her sparkly polish choice.

My mother pointed out to me, "My God. It sounds like you had a $100 day!" And, yes, close to it when you add it all up. But, considering we were out together from 10AM-2:45Pm (nearly 5 hrs of time).... and I would have spent more than that for a babysitter and a dinner out with my husband (for just 2-3 hrs of time)... I think it was well worth it. And, just look at how damned happy she is. Wouldn't anyone give $100 to have a chance to go back and relive a day like this with their daughter just days before their 5th birthday? I would think so...

1 comment:

Patty Morris said...

Brooke: what happy memories you made today! Well worth it! Keep up the tradition.