Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Evie Graduates Preschool

Evie picks out one of her "fancier dresses" for today's occasion. I couldn't attend (work) but Rob did. I actually did not think too much about today';s event since it is just preschool but after the videos and photos Rob shared with me... it looks like I missed some cute moments. Oh well, there is always Kindergarten, 5th Grade, and High School graduation to look forward to....

Here's Evie on graduation day... they all received balloons.
Evie with her fiend and fellow classmate, Jasmine.

The kids all did an on stage performance singing a song about rainbows (hence the colored gloves). Rob did video tape for me... it was super cute and truly amazing that they managed to keep the kids in line for this bit...

Evie's teacher, Karin Eldred (Mrs. E) on the right and her teacher assistant, Ms. Jones on the left. Evie will truly miss them both...

This is Evie's class. Picture day was this week so this is a good "end of the year" shot. Can you find my teacher's pet? Evie is always found nuzzling close to her teachers...

Here's Evie's entire school. Her class is wearing green and is off to the left side of the group shot.

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