Friday, March 16, 2012

Twizzlers and Gum Balls at Bob's: Evie's Parent/Teacher Conference

At Evie's first parent/teacher conference today (pre-K) we found that Evie was not only can do everything on the testable requirements (things like counting, recognizing colors, shapes, letters, etc etc) but that she is also incredibly loving (not a trait from me!). Her teacher and the teacher assistant said she was constantly giving tight leg hugs and exclaiming her love for people, which, as a parent is nice to hear that not only is she a loving child but that people appreciate this quality of hers.
Evie does need to learn her address (beyond the city and state in which we live, which is all she knows) and also a contact phone number for her house/parents. It turns out everyone in the class didn't pass this section so, again, the teacher reiterated how Evie was more than ready for kindergarten .... Score! Great report!

Then they asked, "What's Bob's?"
I immediately laughed.
They continued, "Yeah, she's talking about how at Bob's there are Twizzlers and gum balls and a dog. It's a store? We tried Googling 'Bob's Store' but couldn't find it."
I filled the gap, "It's 'Once Upon A Vine' - a wine and beer store in our neighborhood. Bob is the owner. We all call it 'Bob's." Rob and I laugh.
The teachers laugh and asked where it was located, etc.
Once again, Evie reminds us that everything can and will be repeated (and generally w/o all the details). Nothing like explaining our family passtime spent at the local alcohol supply store...

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