Sunday, March 11, 2012

Max - 10 Months Old

I'm 10 months old today!

On the very day you turned 9 months old, it snowed.
Finally, this winter... almost over, I might add... yielded some snow.
I quickly dressed you up and carried you out front.
This was your expression the entire time we were out there.
Your outdoor escapade lasted perhaps five full minutes since we hadn't any gloves for you and your fingers quickly felt like ice.

That was February 11th.
By the 23rd, you were in shorts. Yep, that's the South for you.

Cruisin'. You are in cruise mode these days. Well, maybe not full cruise mode. You pull-up on anything. I mean anything looking taller than the flat, flat floor. Tables, chairs, doll houses, baby carriages, trash cans, the TV stand, step stools and even a pair of shoes... all things you crawl to - stop - slowly pull up as high as you can go and then stand on your tippy-toes to be up even higher. You tend to stop there. Only a handful of times have I seen you reach from your plastic activity table to the coffee table or from my knee on the couch to the couch itself. You haven't quite caught on to the concept of taking steps or moving around objects. If you want to go anywhere you squat back down and quickly go into crawl mode.
Also noteworthy, you don't really go too wild with exploring. You dad would argue with me here, but compared to most kids... you tend to stay put unless there is something in particular that has caught your eye. You love to beeline for the open door to the laundry room ... this is still rather unchartered territory. You also beeline for the TV when a show is on that has caught your fancy (Bubble Guppies cartoons, in particular). You will take off for a new toy of Evie's left unattended and you will head right for any drink/rogue remote control left on the coffee table. Other than that... you pretty much are content to move about your immediate area & play with the things within the room you have chosen to occupy.

The days in your doorway jumper are drawing to a close. I think you are at the weight capacity if not beyond it. I will be sad to pack this up into your 11 month... but thankfully it is not nearly as bittersweet a moment as it was with Evie. She really loved it. You like it, too, but she performed acrobatics in it. You are just content to bounce as hard as you can while snorting and making this laugh/giggle sound (a sound you make while breathing inward).

Also on the soon-to-be-outgrown list is your bucket car seat. Although, technically, I think you already have outgrown it... we are hoping you won't throw a fit until after your first birthday when we can finally have you facing forward. With your dad taking Evie to school in a carpool... it's just so much easier on him with the great car seat switch-a-roo he has to perform each and everyday when dropping them off and picking you up.

Just a few days before you hit 10 months old we noticed you had your 7th tooth sprouting up. Dad and I are both relieved you just have 1 this time and not 4.

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