Sunday, November 14, 2010

Toxoplasmosis vs. Toxemia

My doctor called on Friday to give me a report from my blood work coupled with another doctor's findings from my ultrasound last week.
The good news: Odds of Downs Syndrome were 1 out of 7000+ something or another... the odds of another genetic malformation (I believe it was Tey Sachs) was 1 out of 1200+ something or another. Both were good odds and, thus, a big sigh of relief for me... I can now progress into believing this pregnancy is not only real but celebratory.
He also had a few other findings.
What I *recalled* the doctor saying on my voicemail was "Tex-er-something."
What I found looking online while in Washington DC visiting my friend, A, was toxoplasmosis. What I really have (found in my blood work) is a higher risk to develop toxemia.
I have now learned two things this weekend: 1. Always replay voicemail messages for friends when you are pregnant because when you are pregnant your mental faculties are all out of whack. 2. Don't read too far into WebMD.

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