Wednesday, November 10, 2010


So they do this *new* ultrasound (new for me/ new to my clinic's routine practices) where you must drink 32oz of water at least 1 hour before you go in. This ultrasound must be done very close to the end of your first trimester (I am 12 weeks and 6 days today... how's that for cutting it close?). All the water is designed to help "push up" your uterus so its easier to see the baby to take measurements. The measurements, coupled with this blood test I had to self perform and mail in a few weeks back, will help determine what the odds are for having a Down Syndrome or Neural Tubal Defect.

So, I'm basically excited this is offered (I didn't have a measurement test like this with Evie till I was about 19 weeks... and it was the same day I found out she was a girl. Imagine the devastation finding out you could have big problems, too, suring such an exciting time!) but I'm also totally freaked-out that something can/will be wrong.

I've had maybe 8oz so far... I tried pouring the water into a pretty glass with lots of ice... topped with fresh lemon and a garnished with a bendy straw. I thought I could decieve myself into thinking this isn't that challenging.
I typically pee halfway through a can of coke.
.... I wish I could flavor this with scotch....

At the conclusion of today's ultrasound, I am going public with being pregnant. So, if you are reading this post... feel free to skip back in time to around September 11th when I found out and started writing (but not posting) back then.

Conclusion: The lab tech said it looked "pretty good," but what is she going to say "Well, crap... better luck next time."
I saw all the pictures she took and the NT numbers range was 1.8 to 2.3.
I have no idea what any of this means until I saw this website, I am breathing easier now:

Doctor will call late this week into next week to provide final ratio numbers but... I think we are going to be OK, phew!

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