Saturday, October 03, 2009

Baby + Stroller = New Mommy on the Block

I couldn't resist buying Evie an $8.99 stroller I saw at Toys R Us today (this was on my list along with checking out bikes for Christmas). The stroller was so cheap I also got one of those "magically disappearing!" juice bottles that "empties" when you feed your baby. Evie spent the better part of the afternoon locking and unlocking her baby in the stroller, feeding her, and reading her stories while she napped (while she sat perched in the stroller looking down at baby asleep on the floor at her feet, of course).


Jill said...

Sounds like a very wise purchase. Don't you love how they like to mimic us. One of the other mom blogs that I follow has a 23 month old who mimics wearing a baby in a sling (just like mom who also has an 11 month old). And for the record, I can't imagine having two that close together.

Brooke Ullman said...

Cute and Yes, I cannot imagine having 2 that close together. When Evie hit 2 years old, I was ready... we'll see! ;-)