Thursday, September 25, 2008

Little table and chairs, just right...

My parents brought up my small round table & 2 matching chairs that I had when I was a kid. It's stained dark wood with no color (I might paint it bright/ fun colors for Evie).
Its funny, its been at least 15+ years since I last saw it and yet it doesn't seem all that old to me. Funny how your own stuff seems to either never age or remain timeless.
We set up this shrunken kitchen table & chairs in our dining room. I really didn't see her using this set anytime soon (I mean, she is ONE. ONE. My mom keeps bringing out all my old things out of sheer excitement in reliving it all again AND because she doesn't at all remember what little a one year old can do. What interest would Evie have in this set?)
Well, I plunked Evie down in a chair yesterday morning. My old cookie monster piano was sitting on top and she played away. She even stopped long enough to ham it up for a photo op.
Then, of course, she swan dove off.
She cried.
We consoled.
Again, she is only one.
Too young for this yet.

And yet. Today. She grunted for dad to put her on the chair so she could play the toy piano while swaying back & forth.
And when she was done, she pulled her legs off to the side of the chair, held on to the back rungs... and gently slid onto the ground.

Maybe my mom does know that one isn't too young for such things as miniature tables and chairs.
I'm so proud that Evie got back up and mastered this challenge so quickly.
I'm so sad that she has mastered this challenge so quickly. My baby is growing up. Fast.


Jay Geldhof said...

My Dad sure doesn't remember. Ivy and I went over to my Dad's for dinner last night (Meg's been out of town for a week!) and he had a place set for Ivy at the dining room table! There was nothing different than MY setting except for a small pillow on her chair! Hilarious!

Brooke Ullman said...

So, the next day, after posting this, Evie mastered getting ON and OFF the chair. Its funny how fast some things go and how s-l-o-w-l-y other things go with her.

A tiny pillow? Like a princess? That's adorable and hilarious.

I cannot imagine being a single parent for 1 week. Rob leaving for comicon weekend's is plenty for me. I need hard-core daily naps when he leaves.