Sunday, September 14, 2008

What I have learned from having a 1 year old...

(spectacular naptime bedhead)
...the use of my free-time before having kids was completely wasteful and ill-spent.

...experiencing just one month without getting sick is an amazing accomplishment.

...naps are the best way to utilize downtime.

...there's two kinds of clean: passable and compulsive. I used to be compulsive. Now I dust one room every month. After 6 months, I'll make it back around to where I began.

...I now have different definitions of important. See line above.


Tatjana said...

no kidding. especially the "not getting sick in one month." Miles has some virus again (effecting his throat). Frank is at home with him today.

Brooke Ullman said...

I'm at home,too, with a cold! Bah!
Evie has a mild ear infection and is on Amoxicillan. Dad's in good health - at least one of us currently is!

kendra5554 said...

sick babies=wanting to die. sick babies+OBX+ten hour car ride=wanting to murder.

been there. it gets better.