Sunday, August 17, 2008


Maybe it's due to the book "Inside, Outside, Upside Down" that A & A bought for Evie for Christmas... but Evie's latest development milestone (as of August 7th) is that she puts things IN. She mastered taking toys out of the baskets under the coffee table, removing all the legos from their storage container, and stripping the books from the bookshelf.
For the very first time, she realized she could put stuff IN.
She likes to push the train trolley, from her animal train set, around the house... on her knees. She always does this with an empty cart but recently realized she could put her milk sippy cup in the basket thereby carting it around with her to her next destination. She spent the afternoon gathering all sorts of trinkets and toys, filling her cart as she went.
Puck found this equally fascinating if only for his own personal enjoyment - he took a lick when she wasn't looking. *sigh*, gross.


jessica j said...

awesome. in is a big deal. out is practically the whole universe. in is, by definition, a confined space. putting something out is easy. putting something in is hard.

Brooke Ullman said...

Only a mom could recognize how fantastic this new "thing" truly is. ;-)