Saturday, July 12, 2008

Holy molars, batman

Poor Evie.
She had to go to the doctor (again!) on Friday. But, this was her 3 month check-up and not due to sickness.
Her fever had broken by this time but she was developing a red bumpy rash all along her forehead. I later ntoiced spots on her arms and legs (after work) but Rob assured me that the doctor waved it off. It wasn't a concern.
Today, she is covered in red spots all over her trunk (stomach, back and diaper area). It looks like the photos you see for chicken pox but it isn't forming blisters like pox would. Besides, she got a vaccine for chicken pox on Friday, what would be the odds? So is this "rash" due to the vaccine? Is it the effects of hands, foot and mouth disease? Is it the strawberry waffles I fed her recently - an allergy? Is it simply a heat rash and I need to get over it?
*sigh* My constantly calling (alarmed!) mother isn't helping at all, either. I can freak-out all on my own, thank you very much!
In the meanwhile, Evie is getting that molar still. Its 3 bumps are poking out but the middle is still covered in gums. That's GOT to hurt. And, if the never-ending "wah-wah-wah" fussiness from all-day-long today is any indication... it does.


kendra said...

when are you coming? we bought evie (me and meg) yesterday/??

Brooke Ullman said...

You bought Evie? Is she on market again?
Well, now we are looking into fall. Rob, of course, wants to be there Halloween-time since you all have crazy throwdowns & we stink sitting at home all the time.
BUT, that's peak season for me at work. I'll letcha know but it will be fall.

kendra5554 said...

a gift. i should have finished that thought. we did not buy your daughter. can't wait to see you guys. halloween is awesome. mind you that we, at that time will have two two year olds. Let the good times roll.