Friday, July 18, 2008

The great Moo-Cow duplication caper

Moo-cow. Ah, moo-cow.
I don't know who loved him first. I think I did. I kept putting him in her arms when we strolled, drove anywhere or slept over at a grandparents' house . As a result, Evie has taken loving him, too. During her recent sickness early this month, she started to pull Moo-Cow out through the bars of her crib to carry around during the day.
She puts him in her mouth and carries him around the house like a dog.
She puts him in the middle of the floor and pounces on him (face first) while growling & rubbing her face into his satin belly.
She puts his tags in her mouth and sucks away midlessly while watching TV shows.
Not quite a cow, but really a giraffe, moo-cow is here to stay as the personal security blanket. And, like all children's security items, runs the risk of extinction (ie, misplacement). So, I have been searching online for a duplicate, a twin if you will, as back-up should moo-cow ever be detroyed from abundant love or lost while en route to a new location.
People know how kids' are and have learned how to profit from it.
Can you believe that moo-cow was a baby shower gift from Target for $8.99... and now that he is discontinued he runs $24.99-$29.99 on various websites trying to profit from your kids' need for a replacement lovey? What crap. Why didn't I think of this?
I hated to buy a moo-cow for $24.99 if he was not, in fact, her lovey of choice. But, it became apparent he is here-to-stay just this past week.
Looking and searching online was challenging. Many of the $24.99 moo-cow's are all either sold-out, gone or just aren't posted anymore. Two updated moo-cows are everywhere (same cow but with a green head, blue antlers and a white body OR same cow that is still yellow with with additional dangling legs, erg!).
I did finally find one being sold on Ebay for a modest $9.00. I bid up to $22 and won at $10.50 + $3.00 shipping. Whohoo!
Moo-cow 2 arrived last week. He's so soft and new. I didn't realize how original moo-cow was already becoming quite worn. I think I have washed him only a few times bit it sure does take its toll on a guy. He's a little nappy and not as fluffy.
I washed moo-cow 2 and made the switch while she was asleep last night.
She didn't notice and seemed to nuzzle him with open arms.
Maybe I will pull of this caper afterall...


kendra5554 said...


not to bring you down.. but check out this blog. i check it almost daily. sad to say, it gives me perspective. I thought you might like it too. evie is gorgeous.

Brooke Ullman said...

OMG - I don't know whether to thank you for telling me about that site or "thanks alot" for it. How sad. God, just anything can happen at anytime, can't it?