Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Hand, Foot and Mouth

*sigh*, its now affected Evie.
Click on this blog entry's title to read about it.
Evie ran a fever of 101.6 today and was taken to the doctor. She is in the very initial stages (just starting to get the blisters around her mouth and diaper area) of Hand Foot, and Mouth Disease. The doctor thinks tomorrow her fever will spike at 103 before things get better.
Poor thing - sick babies stink. There's nothing you can do and they just look at you as if to say, "Why do I feel like crap?"

In good news: The exciting discovery at the doctor's office today was that Evie is getting in her first molar on the top, right side of her face. That makes 9 teeth total!


Beechwood Metalworks said...

Poor baby! That's usually a "daycare" virus- I wonder how she got it? I hope she feels better soon!

Jessica J said...

poor kid. you're right: there are few things more pitiful than a sick baby. hope she gets well soon.

Brooke Ullman said...

I'm not pointing figures but I am nodding toward Miles who had it about a week or 2 ago. That's my best guess but who knows after having a few kids over recently. Having a kid that's not in daycare makes them so much more sensitive to these things.
Evie's fever spiked at 103.5 yesterday and is fluctuating around 100-101 lately. She's not eating and pretty listless. But, despite her crappy state she still flashes cheesy grins and tries to play with dad. :-)
Thanks everyone!

Jay Geldhof said...

Feel better little Evie!

Yeah, unless you keep yer kid in a bubble and friendless, they're gonna get sick.