Friday, June 20, 2008

You & Me, Kid

Well, da-da left us last night to head down South for the great Heroes Con held in Charlotte this weekend. I'm kinda excited to have this chance to hang with you all weekend (and to control the TV in my bedroom at night). But, I'm also dreading the WORK that lay before me. You can be a wee bit exhausting (or so I have heard).
Today began with me suddenly jolting out-of-bed at... 8AM! Were you dead?!. Nope, just zonked until 8:15AM. This would be a truly fantastic gift had I not needed to go and pick up files somewhere before noon. No worries, we got back on track, sort of.
You cried throughout my shower since I put you in your activity center (you have outgrown this once favorite toy). I tried to then put you down for a late morning nap but you never did succumb to one.
After curling my hair and putting on my make-up (which took at least a half hour longer then normal) we were out and en route to our destination. You sat silently... scarily, actually... quiet the whole trip. You just stared blankly out the front window (dad turned you around for the first time just a day ago. Either this fascinates you or confuses you, I just couldn't tell. You looked catatonic).
We hung out in an office for 30 minutes before heading back home. The whole trip went so well, I decided to really challenge us with a trip to Panara Bread during a Friday lunch-hour rush. Boy, that was stupid. Don't get me wrong, you were an ABSOLUTE PEACH (seriously, no sarcasm for once) but it is so hard to juggle you and a tray full of hot brocolli & cheese soup. I had to pay for our food and then go find a table to drop off the diaper bag. Then, I had to carry you, plus my purse, to get my tray of food. I put down my food and then walked back to get your food (I ordered you a kid's meal - we've never done this before! I found this so damned exciting, what is wrong with me?). I put down your food and then walked back to fill up my coke. I then sat you down and got your seat ready with disposable table cloth and milk and broken up bits of sandwich. I had to clear your area so that I wouldn't lose anything to your grabbie hands. This whole process left me no longer hungry and a little bit sweaty.
One college-age couple near us kept looking at you and smiling. You kept looking over and grinning. Same goes for a woman across from you reading a book. And, the pinnacle of proud moments, an elderly woman said, "Excuse me. I just had to come over and tell you how much I enjoyed watching your little boy over here. He is such a delight. He is so cute - he will break some girls' hearts someday." I didn't have the heart to correct her (what did it matter?) and I thanked her. Evie then watched her off and leaned far out to get two women behind her to start laughing. I've never seen so much attention on one kid.
Damned you are cute. I just hope you don't realize it someday soon or we'll be screwed.

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