Saturday, June 21, 2008

Day 2 with no da-da

Ok, so this baby raising thing is kinda easy. Lemme back-up, I was prepared for nightmares so maybe I am just pleasantly surprised compared to what my imagination conjured up last week.
This morning you & I were both awoken by the dog at 7:40AM. Puck had to pee. I think this surprised even him since we all tend to get up before 7AM these days. Oh well, it was still sleeping in (technically).
You and I sat in the kitchen trying to figure out what to eat. You apparently do not like over-ripened bananas (I wish I knew that before I cut it all up or I could have made banana nut bread, but, I digress). I toasted an apple & cinnamon Eggo and all was right with the world. You then had a handful of cheerios with some milk.
After some morning playtime, you took a nap. You took to it right away but didn't really fall asleep. I decided to take the opportunity to clean the bathroom. You then started to cry to get up. I'm not falling for this again. I hopped in the shower ignoring you and, eventually, you fell asleep.
Up again by 11AM and I fed you a yogurt tube that we got at Panara Bread yesterday. You really like yogurt but hate to be spoonfed so this was an interesting study. Turns out that you do not know how to slowly squeeze a tube of goo into your mouth (let's just say you got a little excited as a small fountain of yogurt lava squirted all over you and the table). I got you to relax and let me feed you with the rest of the yogurt tube and I think you dug how it suddenly squirted into your mouth. You are such a kid. So, lessen learned - I will buy more tubes at the store today.
We headed over to B & D's to drop off some books. We actually headed over late because after I had just changed you, you decided to THEN poop. Anywho, we finally got to see all this amazing work that they've done on the house. It really is amazing that B hasn't sought out a career as a Jack-of-All-Trades because he certainly has done a better job than some of the contractor's we've hired lately.
We hung out at B & D's for a spell before deciding we were going to wear-out our welcome. That, and, it was your lunchtime and we still had yet to go to the grocery store. I crossed my fingers as I drove to Ukrop's.
Today is "samples day" so I got to test a few things out on you. Turns out you love strong English yellow cheeses and blueberries. You were quite fond of the blueberries so I risked it being a passing phase by buying a good sized container.
While you were munching away, an older lady tied a yellow ballon to your wrist and I nearly DIED. I, you may or may not have caught on by now, HAVE A DEATHLY FEAR OF LATEX BALLOONS. Nothing frays my nerves like watching a kid trying to bite a balloon as s/he presses & rubs it along the jagged metal edge of a grocery cart. Its like sitting and staring at a ticking time bomb that has no timer. When will this thing GO OFF and right in my face?. Uh, I shutter.
I tolerated the balloon since you didn't go too crazy over it. Maybe you are like me and don't like them either (I could only hope). By the end of the trip I was quite comfortable pulling it down for you to look at. Maybe it was the fact that it wasn't stretched taut with helium that made me a little less stressed. I did yank it away the second you bore fangs in excitement but all-in-all... I let it ride home with us and its currently tied to an end table waiting for you to wake up from your nap.

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