Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

I'm currently sitting in a Panara Bread Co in Greensboro (I was also here—in the very same seat—this morning) trying to get my laptop and my father's desktop to talk to each other via Skype. Well, actually, I'm trying to get US to talk, that is. I bought my dad a webcam for an early Father's Day gift and knew that if I wasn't the one to set it up, then I would be the one retrieving angry phone calls next month as he tries to set it up himself.
I am happy to report - it works! So, now my folks can actually "see" what Evie is doing when she exclaims "bah! bah! bah!" in the background while we are talking. The webcam cost $25 and the service is free - I highly recommend all remote families to give this a whirl.
So, if you haven't guessed it yet, we are in Greensboro visiting my family this weekend. I took Tuesday off, took out a small bank loan for gas and we decided to come out for a break during this amazing weather we are having down South. The nights are borderline chilly and the days are warm - perfect!
I'm currently posting photos on Shutterfly (my life these days consists of documenting Evie's life moment-to-moment. Maybe someday I'll actually get the chance to sit down and enjoy all these moments I missed while hastily trying to capture them for posterity).
Evie really crawled this weekend... yes, on her hands and knees! She does still use the one leg in a *scoot!scoot!scoot!* fashion on the hard floors, though. She's no dummy - its knees on carpet and butt-scooting on hardwods. I took a video, I'll post someday I am sure.
Evie also ate and thoroughly enjoyed grandma's meat sauce with penne pasta (first time). Other firsts this weekend: sucking the meat of off our rib bones (yum!), going in a very shallow inflated kiddie pool (LOVED it and whined when dragged out!), watching bubbles and trying to catch them in her mouth, feeding the ducks (she didn't care as much as mom and grandma did), and dancing with grandpa (loved it).
All-in-all, a fun weekend.
Oh, but the story doesn't really end there. We are driving Miss Daisy (my mother) back up with us... to stay for the week. Hold on to your hats kid, this could prove wonderfully smart or completely disastrous.
Evie dances with grandpa
Evie LOVES water
Mmmm, ribs!


KENNY said...


Anonymous said...

I love her! Adorable in the pool, and you really can't beat chewing on a rib bone.