Friday, May 02, 2008

10 months old

I actually did jot down some happenings while they occured this past month. So, this entry will be formatted as a list. But, before I begin listin', I do havejust a few thoughts.
This past month has been rather monumentous with change. Namely - mobility. You aren't quite crawling or walking yet but the strides you have made to get on the verge of either, is amazing. Standing up on the coffee table has led to becoming a "risk taker" as you stretch to reach the next object and continue your path. You will now sit on the floor without crying out in frustration. You will now find a way to scoot, spin, flop or pull yourself to your destination. I have found you stradling the kitchen table leg, stuck under a chair or clawing your way up my ankles at the sink. You are becoming more bold and less cautious. And, you are also become more educated in knowing & testing your new range of limitations. One day you are hesitate and slow, the next more quick and deliberate, and by the third day... your new skill is old hat. Its incredible to watch your confidence grow. Your challenges to become more easily accomplished. Its inspiring and amazing. Its intimidating and scary. What will tomorrow be like?
You are, with each new day filled with growth and devlopment, also becoming more and more loved by dad & I. Each passing day we think you can't get any more cute or smart or fun or ... anything. And then, poof! The next day is better than the last.
I never knew how awesome it was to be a parent till you came along.

    Likes: Her nose crusty - don't touch it! Cheerios. Fish sticks. Feeding herself. Grunting and squirming until you figure out what it is she NEEDS RIGHT NOW! Cheesy grins complete with breathing like a bull. Bathtime. Surprises. Peek-a-boo. Grunting when frustrated or annoyed.

    Dislikes: Peaches. Anything by Earth's Best brand baby food. Any baby food that's "chunky" (finger foods are OK). A full peepee diaper (oh, wait. that's me). Face being wiped off after eating. Nose being wiped. Holding her own bottle. Cream cheese (She must have got this dislike from daddy). Sliding backwards when trying to crawl. Daddy dropping her off at the gym daycare.

Highlights this month:
  • Helps take off her shirt (helps pull it off over her head).
  • Likes to undo the velcro tabs on her diaper right when you are trying to get her pants back on.
  • Only truly enjoys the books that feature 3D animals or bugs that help count, finger puppets or textures. Likes hands on books.
  • Will help "turn the page!" when reading before bed... but doesn't at all pay attention to the book.
  • Standing at the coffee table to play. Starting to learn how to sit down from the table. Starting to learn to let go of the table and grab mom or dad nearby.
  • Starting to understand how to take steps and "walk" with mom or dad holding up your arms.
  • Can turn around & spin while sitting on the floor.
  • Starting to scoot across short distances with one leg acting as a rutter.
  • Started finger foods this month: bread, pasta pieces, green beans, corn, peas, cheese, cooked carrots, fish sticks, sweet potato "fries", squash, Rice Krispie wrapped banana, Kix and, yes, baked beans (you had 2 beans - I was curious. You liked 'em!).
  • Definitely reaching up to mom & dad to pick you up. This is a more perfected behavior now.
  • You waved! after trying to get you to wave hello or good-bye for 2 months... a stranger waves at you with open/closed finger movements and you immediately wave back. *sigh*, so as of last weekend, you now wave!
  • First ear infections this month.
  • Finding tiny things on the floor and eating them - ie, string or those pesky pin oak flowers that Puck brings in the house on his tail.

1 comment:

kendra said...

isn't it crazy that this is how old sloane and ivy were when we visited? barbie pancakes rule.