Saturday, February 11, 2012

Max - 9 Months Old

FYI: This post took me well into Max's 10th month to finish writing... our time to do things like post blogs is waning these days...

Just days into 9 months old... You have really perfected the skills you gained in the last month. You actually crawled (up on all fours - no army crawl or strange dragging of hind quarters at all!), held your bottle while laying down (still a little tightly but you finished off 2 ounces while I held you on my lap), and your pincer-like grip on Cheerios is down to a science.

At 8 months and 1 week old we lowered the crib height to the lowest possible setting after I caught you standing up one morning (still in your sleep sack) holding on to the curved top of the side rails. I can't believe we are already at this stage... you were such a small peanut not all that long ago. Fortunately I still see you sleep on your belly with butt in the air and I am happy to know you haven't outgrown all your nuisances quite yet.

Foods. At 8.5 months old you ate 1/4 of a banana (cubed). You even fed yourself some of the bites. We are getting more into Gerber branded "crawling level" snacks/puff items. You choke still and we have to watch you but you seem to welcome solids. You can now eat like us at the breakfast and dinner table!

Sickness. Mid-to-late January you were really sick with "flu-like virus" causing a 103˚ temperature for three days. We stayed home on a Tuesday (I took the first part of the day shift and then headed in to the office) and home all day on Wednesday (I didn't accomplish too much on my telework that day). When the fever finally broke, we had three more nights filled with middle-of-the-night wake-ups ranging anywhere from 3AM to 5:30AM. You would wake from either have a coughing spell or being so snotty you couldn't breathe/be comfortable. Also noteworthy, the entire time you've been sick you've also managed to pee through your diaper causing you to wake-up cold and wet. I mean really wet... like up your arms and across your belly. The most annoying part about your wake-ups is that it can take us over an hour to get you back to bed. As upset as you may be when you initially wake-up... you, at least, quickly turn happy when we pick you up. You seem ready to greet the day despite the clipped short sleep hours. Mom and dad on the other hand, are totally frustrated, unhappy, and take turns on who will suffer by picking you up and rocking you for the next hour in the hopes you'll go back to bed.
After your got over this sickness, dad had a less intense version of your virus (perhaps just a really bad cold?) and then I had it soon thereafter. I became really sick with fevers, chills, and a cough that last for over 2 weeks. I even went to the doctor... which I hadn't in 4 years. I have never been so sick... I hope you never felt as bad as I did... and I hope to never share one of your sicknesses like that ever again.

Big sister. Evie often-times picks you up to remove you from the trouble you've found... like trying to climb the fireplace screen, the glass-front TV cabinet, or, most importantly, her plastic dollhouse. Dad and I liken you to King-Kong when you scale the pink facade of the Loving Family Dollhouse reaching in windows to pull our rubber dress clad princess dolls. Evie is less enchanted by your behavior at these times.

9 Month Old Stats (Dr. Check-up on Feb 15):
Weight: 10lbs. 4oz.
Head circumference: 18"
Height: 2' 5"

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