Saturday, May 07, 2011

Last Saturday Spent as 'Family of Three'

Also known as, "The Day Before Mother's Day"

Today we got up early, thanks for that Evie...
I was roused from a deep slumber at 6:30AM after a having spent fit full early morning hours thinking, tossing, fidgeting and basically being too pregnant to sleep well at all.

By 9:30AM the whole family was fed, showered and dressed. We began our day with... Errands, yee-haw! Bath and Bodyworks followed by Free Comic Book Day followed by Target followed by Panara (for bagels to have at home)... then it was off for lunch at "Chick-La-Vey" (what Evie calls "Chick-Fil-A").

After lunch we hit Kangaroo Jac's to pick-up Evie's birthday invitations (I'm trying to get a head start on her birthday plans given the fact that her baby brother will be 7.5weeks old when her birthday gets here and I really don't want her to get slighted...). We go to Lowe's to buy some planters --- drats, they are out of what I want! We stop into Trader Joe's for a certain pretzel I am currently fixated on and what I want for the stay in the hospital (we get Lala's Mother's Day gift, too!). Stop to see the shelter dogs on display next door... and we agree to a quick 45 minutes at the Children's Museum... all in the hopes Evie will go home to CRASH AND BURN so that we may all relish in a good nap....
Evie takes her first picture on our camera- not bad! We are seated as king & queen in the castle at the Children's Museum.

Crash and burn? She didn't. We didn't. Well, Rob did at the end of the hour we tried to get her to have as "rest time" in her room. I ended up pulling Evie into our bed to watch a show while he rested on the couch.
I'm suddenly very aware of how long this summer will be with both Evie and a newborn in the house... it makes me both nervous and stressed-out just imagining it all.

The late afternoon is spent with me taking a quick tour of the grocery store (thinking I have energy to make lasagna. Long story short - I didn't. Rob grilled fish). Rob and Evie snuck out to get me a bouquet of flowers and they let me rest for a while before dinner.

*Sigh*, today was wonderful... and so very tiring. Nothing wears this kid out anymore. We just end up killing ourselves even trying. I just hope we find a good balance soon... I don't know HOW stay-at-home moms with kids not in any school do this everyday. AMAZING.

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