Thursday, February 24, 2011

President's Day 3-Day Weekend: Off to Grandmother's House We Go!

Working in the financial industry has its perks... like getting President's Day off.
I took Evie with me to Lala and Pop-pop's house in North Carolina while leaving Rob with a rather lengthy (ambitious!) "honey-do" list.

We left on Saturday morning (3.5hr drive, typically) and rolled in around 1PM. We spent the day around the house... Evie did her best to wear out my mother. Thankfully, my mother was prepared and lapped it all up while I sought solice in the back bedroom.

On Sunday we used our Children's Museum Membership to visit the Greensboro Children's Museum. We took Lala with us. After 2 hrs (and then some) both Lala and mommy's brain's were completely over-stimulated and we dragged Evie home. Thankfully, Evie actually got a little tuckered out there so her leaving only involved me carrying her to the door while she whimpered. No tears. Phew!

Monday morning was a little boring for a preschooler while I packed and got ready to go. We stopped off for some Elizabeth's Pizza lunch before hitting the road home. A few movies in the car and one 45 minute nap later (her, not me), we were home by evening time.

Rob had completed all but 2 items on his list! The list was divided into sections. The top portion included items that needed to get done (relocating his office from what will be the baby's room to where it used to be a year ago in the front of the house). If he completed this top section of the list... I would speak to him. The middle portion of the list, if completed, would make me happy and meet my expectations. The bottom part of the list ( a bonus round, if you will...) would make me so elated that I'll deliver whatever he wanted. *wink* Ah, motivation is a wonderful thing...

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