Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Late night arrival calls for a late night wake-up

My flight got in last night around 11PM. By the time I got home, it was just after 11:30PM.
After having not seen Evie since Friday morning (5 days!), I just had to peek in on her. When I touched her head, I had to hold her.
I picked her up out of a very deep slumber (it was actually, technically, very selfish of me. I realized this after her arms started beating like a butterfly)... she must have started dreaming she was being attacked so I held her real tight, rubbed her head and told her it was me over and over again.
Evie settled into me but quickly started yelling out phrases of "Get it daddy! Git it! Git it!" and then a bunch of babble. I started to put her back down and sneak out. She then requested the covers. My kid, who LOVES to be covered top to toe in a hot house (her body feels like a sauna rock) wants to be covered. I negotiate half covers and ultimately give in when she starts to get fussy.
I start to leave the room, again. Now she wants socks. "Socks! Socks, daddy! Mommy. Socks!" She is still asleep, I can tell, but she sure seems awake. I put on socks, and ask her, "Do you know who this is? Do you know who is putting on your socks?" I wanted to see how asleep she was.
A very, faint whisper in a confident tone, "mommy."
Then, all of a sudden, Evie's eyes pop open, she holds out her arms like a preacher with outstretched arms, palms up, "You're here mommy! You're here! I miss you. I love ... you are here! You were playing with Nonnanie? Now you home."
I give her big hug again and this time she hugs back.
I tell her I love her and missed her... she replies with similar affections. I rub her head and tell her to come wake me in the morning, she agrees before rolling over.

It was awesome.

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