Wednesday, August 05, 2009

This kid's a color and number GENIUS!

OK, maybe not quite genius but after nearly 2-3 months of counting staircase steps, numbers of arms being pulled through tshirt sleeves, and toys that get put away in the bathtub... Evie has suddenly "got it!"
Evie can now successfully count 1-13 unprompted. She technically mastered the numbers 1 through 10 about two weeks ago but as been slowly adding one more number to the list with each passing week. So, we are now up to 13. I personally think she is a freaking Einstein.

To add to my kid amazement, Evie now "gets it!" when it comes to her colors, too. After nearly 3 months of saying everything from grass to Puck's fur to her milk was BLUE... she know successfully will tell you what is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, white, brown and white. Pink and purple still get used interchangeably. Also worth nothing, she likes BLUE but actually correctly identified the color BROWN first. Hmmm, too much brown in this house I think...

Evie's everyday vocab still continues to grow exponentially as well.
Adding to her list: tilting her head and furrowing her brow while asking, "Better?" after you hurt yourself.
"Record!" when she wants to hear They Might Be Giants, ... again!
"Sand box."
"Remote,"as she opens my hand and shoves in the TV remote, "Show." this means she wants to watch one of her shows, of course.
"Boobies." which she also correctly identifies.

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