Sunday, August 16, 2009

Plant Advice for Newish Moms...

The summer Evie was born was my "purple-theme year" in celebration of having a girl (I'm not much of a pink person). I had hanging baskets with purple pansies and new cascading pots containing a variety of strange purple florals on the front stoop. Shortly after Evie was born (July) my watering of said plants became spotty at best and many withered away. Who has time to brush their own teeth let alone water a plant when a newborn is in the house (also note: never buy a new mom a houseplant. never. ever.).

As a result of the baby drought put on my outdoor plants that summer, I bought less flowers last summer. Those, too, quickly faded as exploring the ground world with a crawler became my new full-time gig in between keeping house and working.

So, this year, I chose to buy nothing. The house looked barren and cold till I finally painted the front door a poppy red thus adding some color to our otherwise bland tan home. It turns out this was the prime year to have tried plants since Evie is absolutely THRILLED to "hope" (this is how it sounds when she says "help" since her L's aren't the best. She also likes to enthusiastically declare, "I hoping!" while in the process of helping). She loves to water plants, smell flowers, pick flowers, and point out "a bee! a bee!" (which is always anything but a bee).

So newish moms out there, take note. A great activity for your kids the sprint they are 1.5 going on 2... is prime-time for yard care.

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