Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sure, why not?

Evie in her Little Mermaid nightgown (from grandma... she's never seen a princess movie yet, I wonder if she'll even like them?), a beach hate and her purse. Evie loves a bag... and shoes.... maybe she will be a princess-lovin' girl afterall....

These boots were made for walking...

Evie tries on mom's schitt-kickers

Chicago Passers-by

We got some drop-in visitors en route to the Outer Banks last week.
Next time we need to coordinate our vacations so that we go to OBX on the same week... then we can do brunch out by the waves instead of inside our stifling house.

Best Friends

One of our recent treks to the park in the Fan.
Evie and Miles.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Evie has started this new morning routine which involves her waking up and instantly, repetitively, rhythmically... moaning.

She lays there in her crib, we'll hear a slight rustle and then, "....hmmmm.... [pause] ... hmmmm... [pause] .... hmmmmm...."
I have begun to master tuning it out. Rob, not so much. He gives in before too long.
And we've lasted about 20 minutes.

This "phase" effing ROCKS.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

no, no, no, NO!

Well, this past week marks the beginning of the "No, no, NO!'s"
It sucks.
Somewhere around Wednesday (so let's see, Evie is 2 years, one month and 2 weeks old) she began making demands.
And the demands, were effing ridiculous.
It always begins innocently enough, "Milk! Mah milk!" eventually gives way to "No, Puck! Mah cha-cho's (you may remember cha-cho's are cheerios)." Pretty soon its, "Da-da, sit!" as Evie points to a very specific and non-discript piece of floor. Then she'll pull on my hand, "No, mommy! No sit!" I am supposed to then stand there as she goes about the room demanding, "No news! Shows! Evie shows!"
Its crap, I tells ya. Crap.
I sat down, Rob stood up and we hid the remote control in order to watch Brian Williams.
Evie pitched an all out, star-spangled, full glory, ranting rampage of a tantrum.
Its been rather non-stop since.
Asserting her independence is one thing.
Its another thing when sserting stupid demands like: we must listen to one album and one album only (They Might Be Giants, Here Come the One-Two-Threes) over and over again everyday in a row, ...Evie can stand on the kitchen chair while eating dinner, ...Evie can shove Puck away from the front glass door and then slam the wood door shut so he can't look out, ...No hugs! No Teeth (brushing teeth)! No bath! No kiss! No books! No! No! No!



Monday, August 17, 2009

The mind's a magical place

I thought I was pregnant for about 3 hours today. It was great.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Plant Advice for Newish Moms...

The summer Evie was born was my "purple-theme year" in celebration of having a girl (I'm not much of a pink person). I had hanging baskets with purple pansies and new cascading pots containing a variety of strange purple florals on the front stoop. Shortly after Evie was born (July) my watering of said plants became spotty at best and many withered away. Who has time to brush their own teeth let alone water a plant when a newborn is in the house (also note: never buy a new mom a houseplant. never. ever.).

As a result of the baby drought put on my outdoor plants that summer, I bought less flowers last summer. Those, too, quickly faded as exploring the ground world with a crawler became my new full-time gig in between keeping house and working.

So, this year, I chose to buy nothing. The house looked barren and cold till I finally painted the front door a poppy red thus adding some color to our otherwise bland tan home. It turns out this was the prime year to have tried plants since Evie is absolutely THRILLED to "hope" (this is how it sounds when she says "help" since her L's aren't the best. She also likes to enthusiastically declare, "I hoping!" while in the process of helping). She loves to water plants, smell flowers, pick flowers, and point out "a bee! a bee!" (which is always anything but a bee).

So newish moms out there, take note. A great activity for your kids the sprint they are 1.5 going on 2... is prime-time for yard care.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Random recenty pics

I used to balk at those who abandoned their kids' blogs when they reached the age of 2... now I get it.
Here's some recent pics.
We can get Evie's hair in pigtails now (not so much that her hair is long enuff but rather that she has ALLOWED US to do this to her... and dear Lawd is it ever freakin' cute. I mean, c'mon now...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Conversation with Evie this morning as I walked around in a built-in bra/tank top to go under my shirt:

Evie: "Bowbie! [she points at what I think is me]"

Me: "Yes. Boobies."

Evie: "No! No boobies."

She lifts up her stuffed Brobee doll.

Evie: "BWO-bee!"

I guess it serves me right to think the topics at hand was my boobs. Aren't I red-faced.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

magic word

Evie's running through the house asking for cookies or some such having just seen something on TV. She goes to the pantry and points to the box on the nearly reachable shelf.

"Crackers?" I ask.


"What do you say? I ask.


"No [laughing to myself], what do you say when someone gives you something?"

"Mine!" and off she runs...

Friday, August 07, 2009

Ah schitt, there goes the neighborhood...

Yes, yes, yes! Evie climbed OUT OF HER CRIB at naptime today.
It was meant to happen... right? I mean, you can't keep them caged forever, right?
And yet, somehow, I pictured myself with child #2 and buying Evie a jungle gym of a loft bed for her next bed... something that involved a smaller bed below for the sibling. I wasn't at all considering when kid #2 would happen nor the fact that maybe Evie may not want to be "floating" in a bed above kid #2....

So, here we are.
Evie jumped parole and we gotta suddenly accomodate.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

This kid's a color and number GENIUS!

OK, maybe not quite genius but after nearly 2-3 months of counting staircase steps, numbers of arms being pulled through tshirt sleeves, and toys that get put away in the bathtub... Evie has suddenly "got it!"
Evie can now successfully count 1-13 unprompted. She technically mastered the numbers 1 through 10 about two weeks ago but as been slowly adding one more number to the list with each passing week. So, we are now up to 13. I personally think she is a freaking Einstein.

To add to my kid amazement, Evie now "gets it!" when it comes to her colors, too. After nearly 3 months of saying everything from grass to Puck's fur to her milk was BLUE... she know successfully will tell you what is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, white, brown and white. Pink and purple still get used interchangeably. Also worth nothing, she likes BLUE but actually correctly identified the color BROWN first. Hmmm, too much brown in this house I think...

Evie's everyday vocab still continues to grow exponentially as well.
Adding to her list: tilting her head and furrowing her brow while asking, "Better?" after you hurt yourself.
"Record!" when she wants to hear They Might Be Giants, ... again!
"Sand box."
"Remote,"as she opens my hand and shoves in the TV remote, "Show." this means she wants to watch one of her shows, of course.
"Boobies." which she also correctly identifies.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

...and it comes around again...

Trying to find a few minutes to *sneak* away with the hubby while Evie is distracted reminds me of my teenaged years trying to find 5 minutes without the parentals eyeballs on me. As much as it sucks... its kinda hot, too, all this sneaking around....