Saturday, February 02, 2008

7 months

Wow, 7 months already (j/k, I can't begin every monthly post with an exclaimation over how time does continue to plod on despite my attempts to dodge it).

I really have not posted this month. Why? TOO DAMNED BUSY! Not only did we come home from Christmas to a very messy house (the dog sitters were great people, but let's face it, they don't take care of your house nor do they really care if you get muddy paw prints everywhere once they leave. So, I spent the first half of the month cleaning up that mess. Then I packed away Christmas... which led to me packing away all your baby clothes that were 3-6 months. You received so many items for 6-9 month sizes and, let's be honest, your frog belly was being squeezed in those smaller sizes. This cycling out things led to more unpacking of all those toys we've been storing for 6+ months. That led to packing away of items such as the cradle swing (Thanks C and D for letting us use it!) and going through all your baby clothes because we really need to pass things on. Basically, this past month's theme has been new stages.

Now, you are no longer a "newborn" but a full fledge "baby".

This time is exciting. You recognize us more and actually have begun reaching up to be picked up out of your chair or swing.
This time is the brink of turmoil. We all went to Greensboro a few weeks ago. You cried, wailed and SOBBED when we left you in grandma Bob's care at 7PM (bedtime) so we could catch a 7:30PM movie. I had no idea what the problem was when I got the full report later that night (I mean, you are always with mom or dad and are OK. We've only left you so many times. Recently, we left you with grandma Ullman at Christmastime in Ohio... and you were fine then). But, you have begun a new phase whether we like it or not. Separation anxiety is beginning.

Very recently you've been "wah-wah'ing" a lot. You make these stressed-out moans when you eat "mmmm... mmmm... mmmm..." I have no idea what the problem is and it drives me crazy. Sometimes, you get so tired of trying to tell me something you just give in to grimmacing and rolling out the tears. All I can do in this instance is pick you up out of your chair and give you a bottle. This tends to be it - you want the bottle. This frustrates me cause you NEED to be exploring solids and moving away from the bottle as your main staple. In fact, you were very good for awhile, why the regress? No idea, but you are eating just fine, you are nearly, if not already, 20lbs.

Speaking of 20lbs, your baby carrier/car seat expires at 20lbs. Mom and dad will be buying you a convertable seat next weekend. This, too, is great and bad news. This means, 'hoorah! I don't have to lug around that HEAVY car seat anymore!' Instead, 'boo! Now I have to lug around YOU as you lunge for things, can't be put down on the floor (you'll roll over and konk your head) and now you will no longer fall asleep while being pushed around the grocery store.
And speaking of grocery stores, you saw a big red mylar balloon for the first time today (you looked up and caught a glimpse of it bobbing around). I pulled it down for you to touch it. You smiled and later began seeing them everywhere. I think you'll be a balloon lover. Bad news for me who FEARS LATEX BALLOONS like they are a victimizer ready to pounce on my very throat. *sigh*

Food - we are expanding. Grandma Bob bought you more meat-based foods. The doctor told us to start introducing proteins but we hadn't done it yet. Evie, meet Beef & Beef Gravy. YUCK! This stuff has the consistency of the really cheap generic dog food that I don't even serve Puck (looks like meat paste) and it stinks far worse. I dry heave and try not to let you see me. You eat a small bite, *smack,smack,*taste,*smack. I wait. You swallow and, get this, lean forward with your mouth wide open wanting more! Oh my God, you must be kidding me. You haven't voluntarily opened your mouth wide for a spoonful of food since maybe the first few weeks of eating. I let myself go and gag aloud. You obviously don't care what I think. You then proceed to eagerly eat THE WHOLE CONTAINER. Otto, K and E's newest dog, eagerly finishes off the morsels stuck to the inside rim of the jar. GROSS!
And you won't eat my yams. I don't get you.
Oh wait, I do. You are a Klippstein-Ullman. Those names are sononomous with 'carnivore'. We are terrible herbivores. And your dad's affinity for low-grade meats? I think you are definitely one of us.

I bought one of those little mesh baggies stuck on a handle to look like a sucker. You can put frozen fruits and veggies in their for kids to suck on. Your dad had never heard of it but you Aunt Nicole told me all about it. We gave you banana and you LOVED it. It turns into this brown, gooey mess that resembles cat puke but boy-oh-boy do you love it. We've since tried frozen apples, too, but I think you preferred the mushy banana since you could really suck it through the mesh bag. I have frozen peaches for smoothies - I'll try those next.

I finally got dad to videotape you in the bathtub and I also took many, many pictures. I haven't wanted to do these things alone for obvious reasons (like, drowning in a split second). And dad never seems to cooperate. I don't think he knew how much fun you and I have. He has since been sneaking in to the bathroom to splash around and play with the plastic toys, too. I think dad is getting more into his element during moments like this... he wants to play and you are finally beginning to reach an age level where that is possible.
Oh! And we figured out how to put all these movies together on interactive DVD (complete with menu, music, etc etc). We gave both grandma's a DVD and they LOVED it. You are born at such a cool time as far as technology is concerned, Evie.

Time, with and around you, these days is changing. No longer a tiny newborn, we can go stretches without you eating, sleeping, and thankfully, pooping. You'd think we'd have larger chunks of time to also get things done around the house but this is so not the case. You will self-entertain in your bouncey swing (which you will outgrow this month at the rate you are gaining weight) and in the excersaucer. But you are also starting to call out if we leave the room. This, as your doctor said, is the time we can spoil you by running to your aide. I gotta tell you, its harder to avoid than I thought it would be. Just yesterday, hanging out with Miles seemed the longest adventure with you. Refusing to be put down or left to your own devices, arg. You can't simply be there and explore the things around you.You are precoutious but not at all like I was. You really are not very brazen. I don't think this is our fault, trust me, I'm pretty OK with letting you figure things out and letting you fuss a bit. But, I think you are much more sensitive. You are not shy and smile at almost anyone. You touch things for the first time with a gentle touch (and then you bang,bang away). You do like to see and experience new things but always with the need to either be held by one of us or a need to return to home base. Dad and I agree that you get stressed by hectic surroundings and you seemed to act/feel more centered at home. Maybe you are just a gentler soul than I am.

In closing comments. Dad and I have always intended for you to have a sibling (No, this is NOT an announcement). I wonder when dad will be ready and let's be frank, when I will be, too. I think I'd like to have this happen sooner than later (a sibling for when you are 2 and 1/2)? I think dad isn't even ready to consider that siblings future arrival. That is, until last week, when he said you were too cute for you to not have a brother or sister. So, there you have it. Dad must be loving you and feeling confident to say such a comment aloud. This, is a shocker from your dad. *wink*

Recent nicknames: Piggle-Wiggle, Fusser

Goals for growing next month: Learn how to clap (not with our feet but with our hands), sit up without falling over, saying "ba ba ba" or "ma ma ma" sounds, holding your own bottle, and sprouting some teeth.


kendra said...

cute cute cute. brother or sister? interesting. i would like to hear more about that.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog! I know that Piggle-Wiggle will love reading it after years of therapy too. :) Hope all is well.

Brooke Ullman said...

Kendra - you'll hear more when there's more to talk about, ha! Don't wait for anything to be said anytime soon.

Kim - All I hope is that I am not my mother. ;-)