Wednesday, January 02, 2008

A new year begins, and one is half over: 6 mo's old

Happy half birthday! Time is snowballing. It just goes by faster and faster... and I am happy to say, that it keeps getting more fun.

This past month you joined me at the kitchen table courtesy of Maya's outgrown hanging canvas baby seat. You also expanded your taste buds to include oatmeal, yams (Ok, maybe not so much yams), green peas, squash, pears, very little banana and water. I think it is hilarious that you truly explored water for the first time this past month. Water is such a basic standard in all animal (and plant!) lives... its hard to think this is a new experience for you. It won't be long before you begin feeding yourself and, hopefully, trying to hold your own bottle (you simply won't do it yet!).

You aren't one for mobility. Still. You did roll from your back to your front recently but only once. You HATE being on your belly and show your disgust with whining and waterfalls of endless drool. I'm not too worried. You do roll from one extreme side to the other, roll your head back to look behind you and you're recognizing your name & will turn when we call you, "Evie!" You are stronger than ever with sitting up. You began this month with suddenly flinging yourself backwards but now that is no longer the case. You will fall over to your side or overreach for toys resulting in a tumble. You do have continued need for a spotter, but this is nothing compared to where you were just one month ago.

You are getting stronger legs. You now "stand up" on our laps and have very recently beginning hopping a bit (thanks to your new johnny jump-up swing we attached to the doorway). Its nice to feel how sturdy you are becoming - a lot less floobie.

You are reaching for more things and with a lot more confidence. You sit at the table and are starting to pat your palms on the table top (I'm trying to teach you to simultaneously yell, "bartender! bartender!" but I think that lesson may still be a little too advanced). You grab pads of paper from my hands, pens, telephones, remote controls... and anything else with your arm's reach. You are getting quicker with your grasp, STRONGER clenched hands from which I must pry things and more determined to find the one thing you probably shouldn't be reaching for (like my hot cup of coffee).

Speaking of reaching for things - you are noticing more dainty/detail things like my bangs that fall from my ponytail, an earring, and buttons. You've discovered the dogs more and you like to pet them. You are learning "gentle" and how to softly pat Puck. You do well for awhile and then there's the sudden squeeze & yank toward your mouth. Puck, wide-eyed and panicked, watches you but lets you learn with him standing in as the guinea pig. I'm so surprised by this and proud at the same time. Its nice to see everyone getting along so well.

You sleep through the night now. Who-hoo! Its funny to think how DIFFICULT the first month was getting up every 2-3 hours but, after getting used to it, it was tolerable. Then, when you shrank to 2 midnight feedings, I couldn't imagine the insanity of the scattered first month with you. After your 1 midnight feeding nights, I couldn't imagine getting up twice in a night and hadn't a clue how it didn't bother me before. Now, I think a bomb could go off at 3AM and I'd sleep right through it. I'm now realizing how people say its so hard to consider having a second kid after you get through all the crap with the first. No offense Evie, but midnight feedings are crap. ;-)

You began eating your toes this month. I had no idea that baby foot COULD stink, but yours sure do. I've begome more diligent about scrubbing your toes (I always did brush them before but now I make it a point to fish in between your toes with a washcloth. You like to suck all the water out of the other end of the washcloth while I go to town.

You still love baths–kicking the water, splashing and bobbing like a cork. You love it when you throw you in the air, let go and catch you. You love being fake dropped. You squeal when we blow rasberries on your neck or belly. You LOVE being scared - we will jump out and yell BOO!... you jerk, blink and laugh hysterically. You love being sarcastically mocked. If you cry or whine for no real reason I mimic your cries while groaning, "Its so hard being a baby! I poop in my pants! I don't know how to cook! I don't have a job. I take naps!" You always stop and laugh at me. Its good to know you don't take yourself too seriously... or maybe its me you don't take seriously, uh-oh.

You traveled to Ohio for the first time. You have now officially been to DC, North Carolina, and Ohio. You are becoming quite the little traveler. The realization that mom & dad will have help once we get to our destination is fuel for us to keep traveling with you. You also do great with strangers and EVERYONE referred to you as a "happy baby" this past week. You fuss a lot these days (and at a rather constant level. Teething? Cold?) but you never really bust out a cry so we never seem to mind much and we know how to get you happy again. You adapt well to new surroundings and adjust your routine to one that works when we are on a holiday with you. Again, more motivation to keep going out and about with you.

You got your first real cold this past month. After returning from Ohio, you awoke during the night with a 101.4 fever. We never took you to the doctor since you returned to normal the next day and you see the doctor for a check-up within the week. Besides the incredibly snotty nose (it looks like raw egg whites!) and periodic wha-wah's, you seem OK. Phew!

Our current nicknames for you: Boo-boo, Faker, Piglet, Evie-Peevey, Drooly-Julie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brooke, I can still do that with my toes.