Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Holy milk production, Batman!

So, Max has been nursing exclusive on one boob at each feeding. This was OK by me for now but also making me slightly worried for when we are up to 4oz servings. Will I be walking around looking like a botched boob job? Hmmm, I talked to the Dr. about this yesterday and she encouraged me to get him back to switching sides if I could.
Boy, this is work.
Either Max will nurse for 5 minutes, I pop him off and he won't wake up at all to go to the other side...
Max will nurse for 10 minutes on the one side and pop himself off never to wake up again for the other side.


I nursed him a few hours ago on the left side and he stayed on for nearly 12 minutes. I actually felt relieved (for once!) on the one side. Two hours later and I'm feeling rather uncomfortable on the right side.
I decided to pump.
I know this is all too soon considering he is only 2 weeks (and lactation consultants say to wait 3 weeks) but I just had to see WHY this kid won't finish a meal anymore.

In 8 minutes I pumped 3oz from my right side. Holy. Crap! I actually could keep going but decided to stop so as not to encourage such a high production. That and... 3 oz!?. Whoa! He's only supposed to be taking in 2-3oz total at each feeding. No wonder I'm having such crazy issues.

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