Sunday, April 08, 2012

Easter Weekend Highlights

Easter this year was on Sunday, April 8th.
This also happened to be my 35th birthday.
Really? Am I THAT old?

My folks came up from North Carolina on Good Friday and then left Monday morning (taking Evie with them for a few days - through Thursday late morning).
All in all, a good weekend albeit TOTALLY EXHAUSTING. I don't have a clue how I spent the first 4hrs of Easter Sunday undressed and in my pajamas but I can assure you, I was totally busy the entire time.

Dying eggs the night before (Our Easter celebrating activities seemed to get a little hectic when we realized we had many tasks to do before E. Bunny arrived the next morning).

He was here! Evie suggested we leave Mr. E Bunny's snack out front, looks like he got it! He left a note and some rabbit poops, too. Silly rabbit.

Evie got all kinds of things this year. Chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, Robin Egg malted milk balls, Reeses Pieces, a pink tutu, 2 pairs of girly socks, a striped summer dress, a bunny-themed tic tac toe game, candy, candy, candy!

Max got a wee football from Lala. He seems to really enjoy it. Which is good, I can't afford college for both.

Evie assists Max with exploring his goodies in his basket. Here she is kindly offering to eat his bunny grahams, too. What a sweet big sister.

Good thing Mr. E Bunny brought Max some sippy cups in his basket - looks like he's as ready for 'em as I am.

Evie's pointing to how there's even an egg in the downspout - silly bunny....

Evie is quite thrilled with an egg filled with money (and mom is quite thrilled that she's quite thrilled 'cause the contents maybe totaled 15¢ and won't rot her teeth).

Evie beelined all over this backyard - she's a pro. And look how nice she looks against my brand new backyard fence built just the night before!

I love this picture of Evie discovering an egg after going on her second rounds. Cracks me up. We stumped her with an egg hidden up in this railing planter.

Max was content to just be outside. He really enjoyed snacking on Lala's tasseled shirt.

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