Monday, September 28, 2009

Lay back!

A common Evie phrase, "Lay back!" as in, I'm going to sit on your lap and I anticipate you reclining to make my lap stay more comfortable. No idea where she adapted the phrase "lay back!" (probably from Rob one morning) but its commonly heard as she pushes you toward a chair with a remote in her hand. Evie.... is a lap-hound.
So, after Evie gave me good-night hugs and told me about how she brushed her teeth with dad (brush teeth!) and how she washed down a cup of water (um, water!), she then grabbed the pile of books next to the living room chair and made a slow march toward the bedroom. She stopped halfway and commanded me (I was leaning forward watching her 'round the corner) to, "lay back!" I threw myself against the chair quickly in an exaggerated follow-through. She then nodded positively, "There ya go!" and continued marching off to her room.
Hilarious. A kid that tells me when to recline & relax. I love it.

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