Friday, November 05, 2010

"Mommy! My bed's wet!"

"Mommy! My bed's wet!"
My very first thought is it must be morning cause she's yelling. But I am so tired, it can't possibly be morning already. Next thought, she must have drooled all over her pillow and woke up to it being wet. I'll go toss that one aside and give her the other one at the foot of her bed.*stirring*
OK, this is not an exaggerated yell. Maybe she spilled a cup of water in her bed? Ugh, what a pain in the ass!
Rob's now up.
I start for Evie's room. I'm halfway there, "Mommy!"
"Yes, Evie," I see her curled up on her side facing the wall, "What is it?"
"I'm all wet."
Indeed, she is. How the hell did this happen? As I curse the failure of a night-time pull-up, I feel a cold, wet butt... that's wearing panties. We've never done this before but for some reason tonight (between Rob's severe sinus infection and my scatterbrained self putting her PJs on early right after Little Gym class) we totally forgot to put a pull-up on her.
She walks to the bathroom with dress held up, "Use a wipe mommy. Clean me up."
I get her to strip and throw everything in the tub to deal with in the daylight. I get a hot washcloth and start wiping down what is now a naked, cold, wet toddler staring at me shivering with blue lips. Poor thing!
We hurry up and put on warm jammies and snuggle on the floor watching Rob strip the bed (thank God he got up or I'd be up for a near hour doing all this). Evie warms up... I start to wake up.
Back in bed for Evie and back in bed for us.
Lesson learned.

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