Saturday, November 27, 2010

Christmas Garland Craft: Seashells collected at the Outer Banks this summer

Craft compliments of:

Evie and I avidly collected seashells (with holes in them!) while at the beach this past August after I read this post. I purchased some mono filament and we went to town this morning as we got into the Christmas spirit. Evie made a little garland for her tree and I made a much longer one for our tree (when we get it!).
I like having a tree filled with memories and mementoes.

We set up a picnic blanket to work on...

Evie strings them and I help with knots...

Evie with her little tree that's on display in her bedroom (it has colored lights, too!)

My garland wraps on the mantle waiting for a final home!

1 comment:

jen at said...

thank you for the shout out, and i LOVE that you are stringing these on your tree. makes me want to make a very long one for our tree... my husband was just saying last night that it needs garland...
happy holidays!