Wednesday, October 06, 2010

First sonogram: Photos

First pre-natal visit. I must admit, I was trepidatious (sic) given what we went through in April.
Just this morning... yes, THIS MORNING, I notice a spot... a scant spot, really, of brown when I wiped and thought, "Oh God, here we go again." My heart raced from that moment, &AM, until 10:30AM when the doctor took a look and said everything looked fine. He pointed out the heart, the yolk sac, and the newly forming placenta. Not a dark spot to be found (which were the pools of blood/blood clots last time).
I cried.
A few pictures were taken... not nearly as great as when we had Evie's. She was seen at 9 weeks 2 days so you could really make out everything in the photo. This baby was captured on film at 7 weeks 6 days... funny how absolutely significant 1 week and a handful of days can be when you are newly pregnant.

We called my parents on Skype that evening to share the news. I poked Evie to yell, "I'm going to be a big sister!"
Instead, she mumbled, "I'm going to be a baby sister (or some such)," and I had to explain.
My parents were excited but, like me, reserved. My mother, of course, hopped to immediate frustration in not knowing what the sex is yet. Ah, Linda...

We scanned the baby photos and ordered prints at Target in OH. We snuck in the sonogram photo amoung a handful of Evie taken at the beach and on her first day of school. When Rob's mom got to the sonogram, she said, "What the hell?" and Rob's dad finished the thought, "They must be trying to tell us something."
The due date... is Rob's brother's birthday.

So, my weight is 142lbs (dear God are you kidding me? I know I've let myself go this past year but I was at/around 139 when weighed in April for the second pregnancy. I'm pretty sure my morning sickness is the culprit for this early weight gain... I'm constantly snacking...)
The baby is 7 weeks and 6 days.
The due date is May 19, 2011.

Next sonogram is at 13 weeks... apparently I must drink 32oz of water and somehow manage to not piss myself while I wait for another sonogram that will measure the size of the baby. This test will help determine if abnormalities are present before the tests they normally do at 18 weeks. I, who urinates halfway through a can of coke, am considering Depends undergarments for this magical day knowing full well my competitiveness will not give in to my bladder... and that my tiny bladder will most likely win. I hope they put absorbant towels down for when they push on your stomach with the ultrasound wand.

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