Friday, November 11, 2011

Max - 6 months old

Max turns 6 months old on 11/11/11.

Month 6 has been a busy month for activity.

You were really rocking and rolling the day you hit month 5. The very next day, you rolled over all on your own. Within the week, you were a rolling champ. Two weeks after that, you'd roll just for the sake of rolling and proudly push up on your hands with a back so arched you almost looked like your spine was bent at a 90˚ angle. And, each time you are in this contorted position, you grin ear-to-ear (happy as can be) while *tap-tap-tapping* your toes against the floor. Periodically, you'll either get tired from this position or overcome with joy, throw your grinning mug into the blanket/mattress/burp cloth below you. I learned quickly to have some padding beneath your face for just said occasion. Thankfully, you've also learned to turn your face before smacking your nose against the floor, too!

All this rolling and movement has been catching us off-guard in some instances. It's important to note that you fell off the couch mid-month. Dad had you on your back Sunday morning while I was doing something with Evie. Dad was right next to you but averted his watchful eye for just a moment (that's all it ever takes, really) and bloop! there you went. Actually, it wasn't at all a "bloop!" moment. It was filled with instant crying (screaming!) and all of us completely panicking. Dad rushed you into your room (why, I have no idea... its kind of a "home-base" for safety in such instances). He held you tight as he tried to rock & console you in the confines of your quiet room. I, on the other hand, stood there wringing my hands unsure of what assistance to offer. Fortunately, the crying didn't last long and all return to normal. Also noteworthy, you missed the coffee table during your fall - phew! Lesson learned.

You aren't quite crawling but you aren't quite stationary anymore either. I've already found you across the living room floor... off your activity mat entirely... thumping your feet against the fireplace hearth. You tend to squirm & wiggle, in order to get places. I don't even think you are trying to go places so much as you enjoy moving... you seem genuinely happy when you end up somewhere new as if it took you by surprise, too.
We now often find you in your crib turned completely around and on your belly (after putting your down on your back in a sleep sack). You also tend to get wedged perpendicular in your crib. Your babble begins to sound a wee bit frustrated and that's my cue to come in and pull you free.

You sit up on the kitchen table when we feed you (you eat b'fast, lunch and dinner now). You are actually great in the Bumbo. You are also a complete and total pain-in-the-ass in the Bumbo. You went from craning your neck to see what's on the table next to you to all-out-stretching forward to grab things are leaning way-y-y- out to the side to grab your bottle. Its both cool (Yeah! You have fabulous hand-eye coordination and are doing things at a much more advanced rate than your sister ever did!) and annoying (Geez, Max! Sit still so I can fed you this mushed bananas and still have time to shower before work!). *smile*

You had your first Halloween! We dressed you up as a glow-in-the-dark skeleton and, alas, it was freezing & rainy so you were bundled (and no one saw your costume). I had to work that day but raced home so we could get out trick-or-treating by 6PM. Dad worked HARD to carve a pumpkin that day, to get you dressed and to get meals together before I arrived home. Evie got into her princess costume and we snapped a few pictures before Duncan came over/before heading outside. I was SO HAPPY you two were all smiles for me as I eagerly took photos. This was also the first time we "trusted" Evie to prop you up next to her without our help. You've been sitting up more and more lately but, you still need someone nearby since you tend to quickly slouch over or slide to the side. Evie supported you and hugged you while I captured this moment on film. Your sister really does love you so much... its very cool to watch you together since I never had siblings. I couldn't have asked for anything more when I see how much you two genuinely enjoy each other's company.
Trick-or-treats was only 3 blocks one way and 3 blocks back. We stuck to our neighborhood this year due to the weather and you being so small. Evie actually got the best haul ever (this was her 5th Halloween!) and she's become quite the expert in racing from house to house.
I held you in the Baby Bjorn front-loader baby carrier with a blanket held tightly against you and an umbrella in my other hand. By the 4th block, you were fussy and unhappy (this was about 20 minutes in). I hurried back and hate to say it - but you had a fever and were sick the next day. But, we couldn't miss Halloween! And, you rebounded by day 3. *smile*

(You look so tiny when sporting a winter hat and seated next to your big sister)

Also noteworthy - "stranger anxiety" set in early with you. We sent you to the sitter's, part-time, around 3 months old hoping this would help. Nope. Kelly came over (you were about 5.5 months old), I handed you over while remaining standing right next to her. You blanched, slowly sputtered and tears rolled down your cheeks. Sad but hilarious, we couldn't believe you were already experiencing this. I thought maybe you were just grumpy after having just awoken from a nap (Nope, again. You howled every time Grandma La-La even LOOKED at you when you hit your 6 month old day and she stayed for the weekend. Oh well).

Lastly, on the day before turning 6 months old. I gave you a bath that evening and you discovered.... for the very first time... your wiener. You reached down, squeezed and looked... thrilled. You actually raised your left leg in the air (similar to what a cat does when cleaning itself" and you squeezed again and again. I even called your dad in to come see this sight. Evie, myself and your dad were all very happy for you and laughed along with your smiles.

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