Saturday, April 23, 2011

Evie's First Dream: The Blue Baby

Its 1:44AM.
"Yes!" I shout back just as clear as day since she startled me into complete alertness.
"There's a baby in my bed," she yells.
"OK, well, ...I dunno Evie," I begin to zone out realizing I've been awoken for a stupid reason.
"Mo-o-om (like a teenager would exasperate). There's a BABY in my BED!"
"OK, well, ...what do you want me to do about it?" I look over to see Rob now sitting up. I tell him that she went to bed with no toys in her bed so I have no idea what she's talking about. He trudges into her room as she yells back.
"There's a blue baby in my bed!"
Um, OK, a BLUE baby... now I'm kinda freaked-out. "Well," I reply, "Play with him or tell him to go away."
Evie,"Get this baby out of my bed!"

There's a long pause while Rob handles the situation. He returns with very little to report and we quickly fade back into a deep sleep. The next morning I ask for some details.

"So, what's this about a blue baby? In your bed?" I'll admit, the thought of the kid from The Sixth Sense comes to mind.
"Yeah, he was behind my headboard."
I ask more,"What was he doing back there?"
"He was sneaking around the room like this and then he went like this behind my bed!" Evie freeze-frames in a position as if she were running and someone yelled out "red light!" She has her tongue sticking out and eyes wide... her fingers spread apart... its completely silly like a pose a Disney cartoon would take if a spotlight suddenly shone on them.

We all kinda laugh.
I'll admit I was a little freaked-out at the thought of a blue baby making his appearance just two weeks before a real baby is to make his appearance in this house... but I guess at least she wasn't having night terrors or mad at the baby for doing something awful to her stuff I her room.
One thing's for sure, this is the first real dream Evie has ever shared with us... and it sure was interesting.

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