Thursday, December 09, 2010

16 Wk Check-Up (Well, technically its 17Wks)

Photo taken at 17 weeks.
I had my 16 Week check-up today. Technically I turned 17 Weeks today. I don't think the number of weeks changes the info all that much but I want to be CLOSER TO THE END so let me point out this technicality, mmm-k?

Rob moved things around so that he could attend with me. That was nice especially since we got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. Things have changed just in the 4 years since I was last pregnant. I think we heard the heartbeat at 12 or 13 weeks. This time we had an ultrasound at that point. She told me what the heartbeat was (I already forgot) but no audio.

Whoosh! Whoosh! I freaked out since the nurse started listening on my left... then a little over to the middle... still nothing... she finally moved lower and heard it. This movement higher up then where the baby is only confirms for me that my belly is bigger than maybe where it should be for only 17 weeks. No, no, I am not claiming I am fat.... but seriously, my belly is bigger than it was last pregnancy! The doctor later felt for my "fundal height" and even he commented how it was already up around my belly button. Hmmmm, big baby? No clue.

My weight is 148lbs. Where the heck was I when this all started? I've either gained 6 or 8lbs so far. Funny how I really don't care nearly as much as I did the first time around. I think I would have if maybe I didn't suffer a miscarriage... details get cast aside for the "big picture" after you've already had a loss.

So the heartbeat was 148-150 beats per minute. Let the guesses on sex begin!

Referring to my post last pregnancy:
Here's how this pregnancy is so far:

Boy or Girl?
This online quiz says its 58% likely to be a girl.

This Baby Gender Predictor says "Boy!"

This Chinese Lunar Calendar says its a "Girl!"

According to this site (listing many old wivestales):
1. The hair on my legs is growing slow, so its a girl.
2. The heart rate was 148. So, must be a girl.
3. I had almost no morning sickness - so it must be a boy.
4. I think I am carrying high (so far), especially if the doctor commented on the fundal height. So, its a boy.
5. Strings move in a circular motion over my belly - so it must be a girl.
6. I am craving sweets! Must be a girl.Or, duh, I'm pregnant around the holidays. But man, if I had to choose salty over sweets... I might do that... which means, boy.
7. I pee bright yellow... so, it must be a boy.

So, judging by all the above... eh, its a tie?

Well, we FIND OUT in JUST 2 WEEKS!
Set your calendars, everybody. At 3:15PM on Thursday, Dec 23rd... we find out!

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