Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas-time with neighbors

Our next-door neighbors really are great. A married later-in-life couple that have no kids... he's in his 60's and her in her 50's. They both work, work HARD on up-keeping their house and work hard taking care of their elderly parents who live nearby. They are the kind of neighbors you can be catty with, stop over completely uninvited to ask for a favor and the kin our have every single tool imaginable that we've borrowed at least twice.
They asked us to stop over this week because the husband had "bought something for Evie this past summer and it was impossible to wrap."
My interests are peaked.
We swung over at 7PM, already a potentially disastrous hour given the very nature of Evie having uncontrollable energy at/around 7:30PM until she collapsed at 8PM.
Tonight was no different.

After Evie began spinning on her back on the kitchen floor, it was time to give her her present.
A life-sized (well, life sized to a toddler!) stuffed pony that made clipclop noises on the chip in its ear.
OK, yes, I teared up. I mean, my God... who the hell does such a nice thing for a freaking neighbor. Talk about your generosity during the seasons. That was way too nice.
My watery eyes came to a quick halt as Evie (instead of saying "WOW!" like we had prepped her to say) vehemently defied touching it. She marched through the house and wouldn't even look at it. Dear God how being the parent of a 2-year-old is both a humbling & mortifying experience.
Rob and I explained away her rude behavior as her being tired, her being too hyper, her just being 2... all of the above being true. The neighbors understood and laughed.
Evie would eventually sit on the horse, grasp his neck and pretend to ride him (phew!) but the moment was later truncated by her then spinning on the kitchen floor, on her back, legs spread eagle announcing "I fart" as she patted her butt.

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