Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Trip to Ohio (Why-o, why-o, why-o)

Before a trip to Ohio, we think its going to be great to catch up with family, friends and all the junk-food places in which Rob loves to dine. Halfway up, we quickly begin to talk down the trip and end up already sick of the entire idea of travel by the time we reach our destination.
Each time we leave, we are sad to go and a little piece of us wishes we could take back the things we love about Ohio.
The weather is never one of these things (*wink*). Although, the weather was pretty awesome while we were there this time!

We drove up Wednesday night after a full day of working. We arrived at 2:30AM after much fussing from Evie the second leg of the trip. It was rather hard.
Thursday we hung-out and recooped while getting ready to attend the PEnguins game in Pittsburgh. The game was great (we won!) despite arriving a little late. We left to discover I left my cell phone in the arena. After running around loose inside (can you believe no security guards assisted me throughout the empty arena?) I found my cell nestled between our used napkins and nacho cheese tub. Phew!
Friday we again relaxed with family and prepared for a large family dinner.
Saturday we gathered the troops for a 9:30AM family portrait at the photo studio. Eesh, this was my idea. Although it all turned out OK, I don't know how great this idea was. Evie was a bear the whole time and only happy when we rewarded with the opportunity to sit in a little red chair off to the side. She's turning into a bit of a defiant turd these days. ;-). The rest of Saturday was spent at The Geldhof's for an afternoon of kid playtime followed by the pre-Halloween party at Crookston's for the Kent area bash. We did walk around Kent to gaggle at the college kids dressed in all kinds of outlandish (and some rather uninspiring) costumes but we only stayed for about an hour before realizing it was much more fun catching up at the party (where we talked until 2AM! this trip is nothing but late nights!)
Sunday we packed up Evie is a red dress & tights to go visit her Great-Grandmother in Toledo for the afternoon. Unfortunately, Great-Grandma was so excited at us coming that day that she fell, which, resulted in her getting rushed to ER for a cut to her head. It all ended well after visiting her in the hospital, taking a break for lunch with my brother & his wife and later returning to see Great-Grandma one last time in her nursing home room. We didn't stay long (the excitement was too much for her and was making her blood pressure sky rocket) so we headed back home to Rob's folks' place for an early night to bed.
Monday we ran errands and shopped (Gabriel Brothers!) and then hopped in the car at 6:30PM for another night of driving... home.

Evie's Uncle A. Her red hair matches. *wink*

Yes, I have a brother. Well, sort of. R is from my dad's former marriage and we were never raised together. But hey, a brother is a brother, right?

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